Eliminate some tasks, and think about paying for the necessary services you dislike or find time consuming.
2) Keep your eye on the brass ring. Dream about your perfect life, and quiet that voice that says it can't happen. Visualize it at least once a week, adding more detail each time.You'll find yourself able to make decisions that help create that life. Set goals, but be flexible...
3) Study your competition, and keep abreast of your industry. You don’t want to lag behind. Focus on the leaders, and what they are doing. Don’t copy, but creatively address the trends.
4) Listen to people, and be pleasant. Avoid bragging, which makes people jealous. By showing interest in other people and paying them sincere compliments, they become indebted to you. Listen to your customers, and when you communicate, make their needs and desires the focus of the conversation.
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5) Eliminate negative talk, including gossiping and complaining. Remain friendly with everyone, but spend the majority of your time with people who have a win-win attitude. Help each other succeed.
6) Once you have figured out where you want to end up, study the lives and advice of others who have succeeded doing the same thing. They have made many mistakes, and have learned to avoid them, which can save you time and agony.
These six steps will transform your life, and put you on the road to business success.
Judy Camp
(c) Paradox Productions, Inc.
All rights reserved.
About the author:
Judy Camp has been a writer and marketing manager for twenty years, and has focused on web marketing for the past five years. Her web site http://www.ourbusinessoffice.com provides resources for web businesses.
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